Vehicle collision that killed bicyclist last Sep.

I haven't talked about this because I never knew the whole story. I still don't, so keep in mind these are my opinions, okay?

I decided to do some investigation myself. I went by the intersection of Wynn and Technology Dr. the other day. I went all four ways by car first, then all four ways later by bicycle. There is no way that bicyclist should have been killed in that collision if she was bicycling legally and safely on the road like she was supposed to. The person driving had to have been not only been going quite a bit over the speed limit for that hill to cause any visibility problems, and had to have not been paying any attention to the road at all to not slow down and brake properly, even if the cyclist actually "swerved" (very doubtful) in front of them. Clear cut case of criminal negligence, if not manslaughter, to me, if the bicyclist was biking legally and not wildly and badly (and I'm pretty sure she wasn't from other accounts of how she bicycled). Accidents are unavoidable. This was completely avoidable. It was a collision that killed a bicyclist for no damn reason other than someone being in a hurry and not paying attention.

So, please, slow down, pay attention and ask yourselves what you're in such a hurry for? Leave just a little bit earlier and drive safer. Please.

I was about to post more, but the last paragraph of this post summed up what I was going to write:



I pretty much have to disagree with the police on their conclusions on this. As anyone who know me knows, we've had disagreements before.


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