I'm downloading WinMac right now. A nice little program that emulates the Mac finder bar, which I've always preffered to the Windows task bar. It sure is taking a long time, though.

I'm watching _Primal Fear_ on CBS right now. Lots and lots of really good actors. Richard Gere was the main reason I didn't want to look at it, but it's got andre Braugher, Alfre Woodard, John Mahoney, Joe Plano, and wowsers casting.
I'm pissed off at the ego-filled ranting going on at the house (primarily from two people who are so sure their viewpojnt is the only correct one, when I've shown what they posted to third parties, they say , "they're just assholes." wonder why it's hard for me to see that?Because of teheir often generous nature?


This is my last post of this evening. It's been fun experimenting. I'll probably go into a lot more depth tommorow and Saturday, but for now, adios.

Oh joy. Now that I've gotten my head finally straightened out, it's time for me to tackle that big ole THESIS that's been an albatross for me lately. I don't know why. It's subject matter I enjoy, an advisor who's great and understanding and I-like I was telling my devilgirl last night, I've been using my schoolwork to block my creativity as well as using my creativity to block my schoolwork, therefore going forward in neither.
At least I realize that now, and can start to move forward.
Let me see about moving them there boulders out of the way, though.

Okay, this is my first blog (weblog-powered by blogger at www.blogger.com) and this is the last week (week twelve) of the exercises from _The Artist's Way_ by Julia Cameron. this book has done so much for my life. It clarified why I I've been so interested in certain people. Creative genius draws me like a moth to a flame, because subconsciously it was a way for me to be a shadow artist and not take the risks that I needed to. Same thing with my friends using me as therapy when they never realized how much it was costing me. I never realized how much it was costing me. It's so hard to see helping people as an addiction, but for me it was. Unlike an alcoholic that can avoid bars and not buy drinks, I have to deal with people. That's the difficult part. Learning where my boundaries are and sticking to them is a good first step.