Next time I'm going to a different movie.
Next time my wife and I walk into a movie show that has two old couples in it and no one else, I'm leaving for a different show. I'm really tired of people talking over the damn movie. It isn't your living room! AAAAGH!!!.
I don't know why, because they're supposedly supposed to have better manners than the young generation, but the past 4 times we've been to a movie show, the over-60 people have been chatting loudly away off and on. Enough to be irritating, but just under enough to get the manager (like they'd do anything about it.)
Maybe it's because we like to go on Sunday or Monday matinees. Friday and Saturday are for mainstream comedies where some laughter and talking is a little more expected than in a freakin' period piece.
There. That's better.
Sorry 'bout that. Carry on.